Computer Science courses:
- CS1101 Programming Methodology
- CS1102 Data Structures and Alogirthms
- CS1105 Computing and Society
- CS1231 Discrete Structures
- CS2100 Computer Organization
- CS2102S Database Systems
- CS2103 Software Engineering
- CS2104 Programming Language Concepts
- CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
- CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS2305S Problem Solving in Computing I
- CS2306S Problem Solving in Computing II
- CS3208 Undergraduate Research in Computing I
- CS3209 Udergraduate Research in Computing II
- CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- CS3231 Theory of Computation
- CS3234 Logic and Formal Systems
- CS3243 Introduction to AI
- CS4214 Formal Semantics
- CS4231 Parallel and Distributed ALgorithms
- CS4248 Natural Language Processing
- CS5201 Foundation in Theoretical CS
- CS5202 Foundation in Computer Systems
- CS5209 Foundation in Logic and AI
- CS5219 Automated Software Validation
- CS5230 Computational Complexity
- CS5236 Advanced Automata Theory
- CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI
- CS6101 Exploration of Computer Science Research
- CS6210 The Art of Computer Science Research
- CS6282 Topics in Computer Science III
Mathematic courses:
- MA1101R Linear Algebra I
- MA1104 Multivariable Calculus
- MA1505 Mathematics I
- MA2101 Linear Algebra II
- MA2108 Mathematical Analysis I
- ST2131 Probability
- MA2202 Algebra I
- MA2213 Numerical Analysis I
- MA2214 Combinatorial Analysis
- MA2222 Basic Financial Mathematics
- MA3205 Set Theory
- MA3110 Mathematical Analysis II
- MA3111 Complex Analysis I
- MA3209 Mathematical Analysis III
- MA3218 Coding Theory
- MA3245 Financial Mathematics I
- MA3252 Linear and Network Optimisation
- MA4207 Mathematical Logic
- MA4211 Functional Analysis
- MA4247 Complex Analysis II
- MA4254 Discrete Optimization
- MA4257 Financial Mathematics II
- MA4266 Topology
- MA5219 Logic and Foundation of Mathematics I
- LAF1201 French 1
- GEK1521 Physics in the Life Sciences
- PC1327 Science of Music
- PC1432 Physics IIE
- LSM1301 General Biology
- LSM1302 Genes and Society
- GEM2900 Understanding Uncertainty and Stats Thinking
- SSB2216 Employee Management in Singapore