Computer Science courses:
  1. CS1101 Programming Methodology
  2. CS1102 Data Structures and Alogirthms
  3. CS1105 Computing and Society
  4. CS1231 Discrete Structures
  5. CS2100 Computer Organization
  6. CS2102S Database Systems
  7. CS2103 Software Engineering
  8. CS2104 Programming Language Concepts
  9. CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
  10. CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
  11. CS2305S Problem Solving in Computing I
  12. CS2306S Problem Solving in Computing II
  13. CS3208 Undergraduate Research in Computing I
  14. CS3209 Udergraduate Research in Computing II
  15. CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
  16. CS3231 Theory of Computation
  17. CS3234 Logic and Formal Systems
  18. CS3243 Introduction to AI
  19. CS4214 Formal Semantics
  20. CS4231 Parallel and Distributed ALgorithms
  21. CS4248 Natural Language Processing
  22. CS5201 Foundation in Theoretical CS
  23. CS5202 Foundation in Computer Systems
  24. CS5209 Foundation in Logic and AI
  25. CS5219 Automated Software Validation
  26. CS5230 Computational Complexity
  27. CS5236 Advanced Automata Theory
  28. CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI
  29. CS6101 Exploration of Computer Science Research
  30. CS6210 The Art of Computer Science Research
  31. CS6282 Topics in Computer Science III
Mathematic courses:
  1. MA1101R Linear Algebra I
  2. MA1104 Multivariable Calculus
  3. MA1505 Mathematics I
  4. MA2101 Linear Algebra II
  5. MA2108 Mathematical Analysis I
  6. ST2131 Probability
  7. MA2202 Algebra I
  8. MA2213 Numerical Analysis I
  9. MA2214 Combinatorial Analysis
  10. MA2222 Basic Financial Mathematics
  11. MA3205 Set Theory
  12. MA3110 Mathematical Analysis II
  13. MA3111 Complex Analysis I
  14. MA3209 Mathematical Analysis III
  15. MA3218 Coding Theory
  16. MA3245 Financial Mathematics I
  17. MA3252 Linear and Network Optimisation
  18. MA4207 Mathematical Logic
  19. MA4211 Functional Analysis
  20. MA4247 Complex Analysis II
  21. MA4254 Discrete Optimization
  22. MA4257 Financial Mathematics II
  23. MA4266 Topology
  24. MA5219 Logic and Foundation of Mathematics I
  1. LAF1201 French 1
  2. GEK1521 Physics in the Life Sciences
  3. PC1327 Science of Music
  4. PC1432 Physics IIE
  5. LSM1301 General Biology
  6. LSM1302 Genes and Society
  7. GEM2900 Understanding Uncertainty and Stats Thinking
  8. SSB2216 Employee Management in Singapore